Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long will the job take?
A. Most jobs are usually completed in 1-2 days, however it ultimately depends on the scope of your project.

Q. How much will it cost?
A. Initial Estimates are free of charge. Decorative Painting is priced per job. Color or Decorating Consultations are typically billed at $50.00/hr. Accessory Shopping is billed at $25.00/hr. A deposit may be required, depending on the size of the job.

Q. How do I get scheduled?
A. Contact Rene either via e-mail,, or via telephone at
412-607-5521 to schedule an initial appointment. At that time, she'll review her extensive portfolio with you and together, you'll collaborate on designs and techniques to bring your ideas to life.


  ©Copyright 2005 Rene Gebhart. All Rights Reserved